46 research outputs found

    Addressing Funding Issues for Danish Mental-Health NGOs

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    U današnje je vrijeme većina globalnih računalnih mreža gdje se promet odvija na velike udaljenosti povezana svjetlovodima. Rad svjetlovoda zasniva se na zakonima optike na kojim se temelji prijenos svjetlosnih signala. Uz pomoć svjetlovoda se može prenijeti izrazito velika količina podataka za razliku od radio i telefonske komunikacije što osigurava sve veću primjenu svjetlovodnih prijenosnih sustava u svim granama ljudske djelatnosti. Na njihovu široku primjenu utječe i kvaliteta prijenosnih karakteristika, male dimenzije i otpornost na vanjske utjecaje. Najznačajnija karakteristika svjetlovodnih prijenosnih sustava je prigušenje dok ostale karakteristike nemaju veliki utjecaj. U današnje vrijeme se najčešće kao materijal za svjetlovode koristi staklo. Svjetlovodi izrađeni od plastičnih masa se koriste u industriji zbog niske cijene. Svjetlovod mora biti što više proziran kako bi se smanjili gubici tijekom prijenosa svjetlosnog signala, a kao optički predajnik je najbolje koristiti LED diodu zbog niske cijene i visoke pouzdanosti. Značajniju primjenu nalaze u pomorstvu i medicini, naročito u medicini u obliku lasera koji danas predstavljaju temelje moderne tehnologije u medicini te također na brodovima gdje ih koristimo za regulaciju i upravljanje.Nowadays, most global computer networks where traffic takes place over long distances is connected to fiber optics. The operation of the light fixture is based on the laws of the optics on which the transmission of light signals is based. With the help of fiber optics, extremely large amounts of data can be transmitted as opposed to radio and telephone communications, which ensures the increasing use of fiber optic transmission systems in all branches of human activity. Their wide application is also influenced by the quality of portable properties, small dimensions and resistance to external influences. The most significant property of fiber optic transmission systems is attenuation while the other features don’t have much impact. Nowadays, glass is usually used as fiberglass material. Those made of plastic mass are used in industry because of low prices. The luminaires must be as transparent as possible to reduce the losses during the transmission of the light signal, and as an optical transmitter it is best to use the LEDs due to low prices and high reliability. Significant applications are found in marine and medicine, especially in laser medicine, which today is the foundation of modern technology in medicine, as well as on marine vessels where fiber technologies are used for regulation and control

    Product Wheels for Scheduling in the Baking Industry: A Case Study

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    This paper illustrates current challenges and suggests solutions within the area of scheduling in the baking industry. The analysis applies the product wheel heuristic approach of King (2009) and tests the production cycles generated using actual sales and production data from a manufacturer of frozen baked goods. The product wheel method showed to be a suitable method for application at the baked goods manufacturer and generated a 23% reduction in setup and inventory cost at the case company. Despite the benefits, the product wheel method proved difficult to apply in a high variety setting, where an operations research model may have achieved more significant results

    Inventory Centralization Decision Framework for Spare Parts

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